Copyright notice requirements

Magipik respects the copyrights of third parties, and it is our policy to respond to all notices of copyright infringement arising under applicable regulations. Upon notification of compliance with these guidelines, Magipik may remove or prohibit access to the infringing content or take such further action as we deem appropriate, including deactivating the user's account. In doing so, Magpik will attempt to contact the party that posted the Content to make any representations it deems appropriate under applicable law.

Copyright infringement notices must meet the following requirements:

  • Handwritten or electronic signature of the person sending the message.
  • Identification of the copyrighted work that is claimed to be infringed or, if there are several copyrighted works, a list of such works.
  • Identification of the content that is claimed to be infringing and should be removed or access to which is disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to enable Magpik to locate the content.
  • Information that allows Magpik to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if applicable, an email address.
  • A statement that the complainant has reason to believe that the use of the content is not authorized by the copyright owner or the law.
  • A statement that the information contained in the message is accurate and correct.

Magipik adheres to the procedure provided by applicable regulations to ensure compliance with copyright. Magpik will immediately remove or block access to infringing material upon receipt of official notice of compliance with the above conditions. Magpik does not necessarily send confirmation of deletion/deactivation. Statements by the party that published the infringing material must also comply with copyright notice requirements. Please note that you may be liable if any content infringes the rights of third parties, so we recommend that you consult an attorney if you are unsure.

If you believe that the party posting the infringing content is the publisher of the removal, you may provide relevant information to Magpik so that it can investigate and take appropriate action.

If any of the above conditions are not met, the copyright infringement notice may be invalid. Thank you for your cooperation.

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